Why bow legs are more common in children than adults

Bow legs are a condition in which the legs curve outwards at the knees. The condition can affect people of all ages but is more common in children than adults. Bow legs are a common deformity in children and are also referred to as bow-leggedness, bow-leggedness or bow-leggedness. Bow legs are a condition in which the leg and ankle are lower than normal. This is because the leg is too long for the ankle, and the knee is turned inward. There are different types of bow legs and a number of reasons why bow legs are more common in children than adults.

One reason why bow legs are more common in children than adults is that the bones in children’s legs are still growing and developing. This means that the bones are more flexible and can be more easily deformed. This is one of the reasons why bow legs are more common in young children than in adults.

Another reason why bow legs are more common in children is that they are more likely to suffer from conditions that can cause the legs to bow out, such as rickets. Rickets is a condition that is caused by a lack of vitamin D, and it can cause the bones to become soft and deformed.

The difference between bow legs and knock knees

It is important to note that bow legs and knock knees are two different conditions. Knock knees is a condition in which the legs curve inwards at the knees, while bow legs is a condition in which the legs curve outwards at the knees.

The causes of bow legs

There are a number of different causes of bow legs. One of the most common causes is rickets. Rickets is a condition that is caused by a lack of vitamin D, and it can cause the bones to become soft and deformed.

Another common cause of bow legs is congenital dysplasia of the hip. This is a condition that is present at birth and is characterised by a dislocation of the hip joint. This can cause the legs to bow outwards.

The symptoms of bow legs

The symptoms of bow legs can vary depending on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, the only symptom may be a mild curvature of the legs. In more severe cases, the legs may be significantly bowed and the person may have difficulty walking.

The treatment for bow legs

The treatment for bow legs will depend on the cause of the condition. If bow legs are caused by rickets, then the treatment will involve taking vitamin D supplements. If bow legs are caused by congenital dysplasia of the hip, then the treatment will involve surgery to correct the hip dislocation.


Bow legs are more common in children than adults for a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons is that the bones in children’s legs are still growing and developing. Another common reason is that children are more likely to suffer from conditions that can cause the legs to bow out, such as rickets. The symptoms of bow legs can vary depending on the severity of the condition, and the treatment will depend on the cause of the condition.