A better alternative to bone grafting


Usually, when a patient with bone damage is searching for dental implants, the first factor in the query is: “How much jawbone do you have

Tooth roots strengthen the shape of the jawbone, and when they are lost, the system of the bone is adjusted, usually leading to decay under dental labs nyc.

This bone damage is quite common among users of dentures who have consumed many years without any fixture to reinforce their bone in the denture lab near me.

A result of this problem has remained for a long time: in the formation of bone grafting. The bone grafting technique allows jawbone quality to be manually reconstructed until it is sufficiently thick and thick enough for inserts to be placed in the denture lab near me.


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Bone grafting

Bone grafting is one of the most typically used surgical procedures to augment bone regeneration in orthopedic procedures under dental labs nyc.

Over two million bone grafting procedures are performed annually worldwide, the second most frequent tissue transplantation right after blood transfusion in the denture lab near me.

Autologous bone is still the gold standard among all clinically available grafts since all necessary properties are required in bone regeneration in osteoconduction. However, the concerns of limited supply and donor site complications remain under dental labs nyc.

The inconveniences of bone grafting:

Cost expansion:

Bone grafting needs one or more surgeries and a healing phase a few months after each process. This process is completed before the implants can be placed.

It adds a few months to the dental implant process for some patients. For others, it can increase up to two years, significantly drawing out the length and charge of their dental implant exploration under dental labs nyc.

Possibility of failure:

After the bone grafting time is completed, and the inserts are placed, implant default is still possible in the denture lab near me. An evaluation of bone grafting case studies showed that the success rate of inserts placed in the grafted bone ranged between 72.8% to 97%.

It contrasts the 95%-98% implant success percentage for full arch implants fixed in natural bone. Patients can be left astonished after preserving through the bone graft and dental implant procedure only to have the insert fail under dental labs nyc.

A better alternative:

When the jawbone is limited, another bone conveniently presents itself: the Zygoma. The Zygoma is thick and dense enough for implants to be fixed, making bone grafting in the upper jaw irrelevant in the denture lab near me.

Zygomatic implants are elongated implants placed through the gumline and into the cheekbone. These can be fixed in a single process, decreasing a patient’s implant procedure to one day rather than several months or more under dental labs nyc.


Though Zygomatic implants give an ideal option for bone grafting in the upper jaw, it doesn’t offer a result for the lower jaw. Nor are they a perfect procedure for single-tooth implants.

However, upper sets of teeth are often of most significant priority for dental implant receivers, and Zygomatic Implants make these possible for almost any patient.

Unfortunately, many oral surgeons are still required to be skilled in the Zygomatic implant technique, and many experts still need to hear of it.

It results in patients persevering through bone grafting processes when it may be unnecessary under dental labs nyc.

Many others are even told they are ineligible for dental implants when an upper arch is entirely possible. Awareness and further training are still needed to make Zygomatic implants more widely available for more patients.

What are the different kinds of bone grafts?

Socket preservation

Socket preservation in Clarington is a widespread technique where additional bone is extended directly into the empty socket after removing your natural tooth under dental labs nyc. Adding bone at this phase helps to protect your jawbone, protecting its strength.

Ridge elevation

A ride elevation is a process to build up the bony height used to support your teeth under dental labs nyc. As the jawbone is resorbed, this elevation can become narrower. A ridge augmentation will restore it to the proper dimensions, so there is enough bone to assist your dental implants in Whitby.

Sinus Lift

You may require a sinus lift to replace your upper back teeth with implants.

The bone in this area tends to be thinner and more fragile, and a sinus lift is a procedure to lift the membrane between the sinus cavity and the jawbone, creating space for bone grafting material under dental labs nyc.