Scaling and root planing for gum health: Check this guide

Healthy gums are critical for oral health. Unfortunately, many of us ignore the relevance of gum health, only to deal with serious complications later. If you have noticed bleeding while brushing or flossing or have persistent bad breath, you should see a dentist in Downtown Chicago at the earliest. The chances are high that you need scaling and root planing, and in this post, we are discussing the essential details about the procedures.

Basic details at a glance

Also known as deep cleaning, scaling, and root planing is a non-surgical procedure for removing plaque and tartar deposits from teeth and below the gum line. Scaling is usually the first step, where the dentist or periodontist will use special instruments to remove tartar and plaque. Many clinics now rely on ultrasonic instruments for scaling. Following scaling, the gums surrounding the teeth are cleaned further to remove the remaining bacteria. This can help prevent the accumulation of plaque.

Why should you consider scaling and root planing?

Your dentist may recommend scaling and root planing for the following reasons –

  • Treating early stages of gum disease: If you have bleeding gums or symptoms of gingivitis, your dentist may recommend scaling to avoid the progression of the condition. Removing the bacteria reduces inflammation, which often causes complicated symptoms like loosening teeth.
  • Preventing tooth loss: Gum disease, especially advanced periodontal disease, is one of the common reasons for tooth loss. With scaling and root planing, your dentist can address the inflammation and preserve your teeth.
  • Simplified oral care: You cannot get rid of tartar and plaque at home. You have to see a dentist who will complete these procedures. Once done, you will find that brushing and flossing is a lot easier, and as long as you adhere to oral hygiene habits, you don’t have to worry about similar problems.

Post-treatment care

You may experience minor discomfort following scaling and root planing, which is normal and should subside in a couple of days. Your dentist may advise you on using certain products to keep up with oral hygiene. Besides brushing and flossing regularly, you should consider adding an antimicrobial mouthwash to your routine. Also, ensure you see your dentist every six months or as recommended to monitor your gum health.

If you have questions about scaling or are worried about the risks, check with your dentist. They can also explain the steps and what you can expect during the session.